Desktop Awesome
Windowing System
- X11
- Wayland
- v1.0 @ 2012
- rootless
- EGL-based
- adopted by:
- fedora v25, ubuntu 21.04, rhel v8 @2019, debian
- pmOS, rpi
- macOS/iOS Quartz
- Plan 9 rio
- Android SurfaceFlinger, EGL for 3D
- Network
- 虚拟
- XQuartz
- runs X applications in macOS’s native windowing system
- XWayland
- X Server running as a Wayland client
- X.Org Server
- by X.Org Foundation
- 实现 X Window System display server
Desktop Environment
Window Manager
- EWMH Extended Window Manager Hints
- blackbox >= 0.70
- icewm
- kwin - KDE
- metacity - GNOME
- openbox >= 3
- sawfish
- fvwm
- waimea
- pekwm
- enlightenment
- xfce >= 4
- fluxbox >= 0.9.6
- matchbox
- window maker >= 0.91
- baskerville/bspwm
- fluxbox/fluxbox
- MIT, C++
- 基于 Blackbox
- lightweight and highly-configurable window manager
- wmctrl
- interact with an EWMH/NetWM compatible X Window Manager
- compiz
- beryl
- awesome
- 基于 dwm
- dwm fork with XCB, EWMH, Lua script, Xft, D-Bus, multihead.
- i3
- wmii fork with XCB, multihead, vertical column, command mode
- /usr/share/applications/micro.desktop
- /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/micro-logo.svg